Small things, mostly

Time to go back (Lao)

One crisp December noon, I was at a temple in Luang Prabang writing some things. It was quiet and peaceful. I fell asleep. I heard some voices. I opened my eyes to see some kids bent over me. As I sat up, they moved back and stared at me in wonder. It was like Gulliverā€™s travels - all those little people half-scared and half-curious.

I turned to the last page in my notebook, and from my Laotian phrase book, I copied ā€œhelloā€ in Laotian script. I passed the page to the kid nearest to me. She read it aloud. All the kids giggled. She borrowed my pen and wrote something in Laotian. I guess it was her name. I handed the notebook and the pen to the littlest kid. They all laughed as she was too young to write. An older kid grabbed the notebook and wrote the littlest kidā€™s name.

So, we conversed, they would draw something, say it aloud in Laotian and ask me to repeat it. I learnt many new Laotian words. Lately, I seem to be forgetting the words. It is time to go back.


Small things, mostly