Small things, mostly

The art of leaving notes

The book of Jakarta

The Indomie that I got for my lunch near Singapore's Arab Street was a good companion for the short stories book that I bought in Jakarta a few weeks back. I find short fiction a great help in understanding a city.

Note by bookseller at Post Bookshop

A note was left by the bookshop in the book. I like it when people leave handwritten notes for me to find. A decade back, at a backpacker hostel not too far from this Indonesian cafe, I spent late one night talking to another traveler. The next morning when I woke, the traveler was gone but there was a note waiting for me.

Note by a traveler

The story of my life has been falling in love with strangers in random cities and tiny chance of me meeting them again. Sometimes, I also leave a note for people when I leave.

Tokyo Moon Cafe

One of my favourite places to meet people is the Tokyo Moon Cafe in Saigon. Besides the kind hosts, nourishing drinks, young lovers talking in hushed voices, every table has strips of paper and pencils. Leave a note

Leave a note for someone. They will treasure you note for the longest time.
