Small things, mostly

A new Korean idol (Saigon)

If you were near Saigon airport last night, you may have heard two sets of teenage screams, about 20 minutes apart. The second one - the louder and the longer one, was for a Korean pop band. Let me unravel the mystery of the first.

As I glided down the escalator after immigration, I saw the viewing area of the airport packed with hundreds of teenagers. A look at them and you could tell they were there in waiting for a K-Pop band’s arrival. It was a party atmosphere. Kpop kids at airport

I thought it would be good to let them warm up a little. So I waved at them and did my best celebrity impersonation. Blowing kisses and all. It was a long shot. But a few kids reciprocated, then it spread, a few more, ending with almost half the crowd screaming and waving their banners. I was tempted to do some K-pop dance moves, but that might have been too much for the stern airport security.

You can travel half the world, but there is no point if you can’t amuse some kids.
